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Education Committee

Southeast Regional Urgent Care Association

Education Committee

Our Education Committee will be  charged with putting together educational workshops for providers and staff, securing CME for educational events, and most importantly organizing what should be the premier educational event for urgent care in our region; the annual Southeast Regional Urgent Care Conference

In addition we will initiate, produce, review, oversee, and/or evaluate activities and services that promote education for and development of individuals working in urgent care. Identify and create educational opportunities around issues of clinical and business concern to members. Identify and coordinate development of educational products including webinars and other activities. We search for other educational opportunities for our members.

Our Education Committee Will Provide

  • Facilitate communications with sponsors for education purposes.
  • Set up and manage conferences
  • Bring webinar content to membership
  • Keep members updated on educational pieces as it relates to urgent care
  • Provide research as needed for the committee.
  • Identify and participate in “tabling” opportunities throughout the urgent care community and the regions SERUCA services